
"Nitimur in vetitum"


Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Duskwight
Age: 50s
Height: 6 fulms 0 ilms
Weight: 145 ponzes
Relationship: None (Bi)
Birthplace: Gridania
Affiliation: Neutral Chaotic
Profession: Chirurgeon


Pros: Kind, patient, adaptable
Cons: Hemomania, Insatiable curiousity, masochist. sadist, a touch manipulative
Likes: Tea, Books, Sketching, Knives. Strolls. Music. Blood.
Dislikes: Ignorance. Slothfulness.
Voice Claim: WIP
Scent: Rose, Leather, and Inked Paper with a subtle undertone of copper.
Skills: Surgeon. Extensive knowledge using blades. Black Mage. "Blood Witch"